What coding program do you like the best?
- Hopscotch
- Scratch
- Tynker
- Code.org
- Other
0 voters
0 voters
Please don’t SBYP me! I just want to know what everyone thinks!
Im not really sure which one :pp I’ve tried hs, tynker, code.org and i think scratch not sure :pp
idk i think hs its fun i guess
I use most of them but I like Hopscotch the best because it is much more organized.
I like python alot.
Havent done mutch with it tho
I dont like scratch or tynker cause there not very well orgonised and i dont lik the way thet work
Havent used code.org
Hopscooooootch :D XD
I like hopscotch the most although I don’t code on hopscotch much anymore
0 voters
I also sometimes used codeacademy
Html is a markup langueges so its difrent
That’s true so I changed the poll name
Anyway, most people like Hopscotch the best (just look at the poll) and most people use python the most.
0 voters
Omg, I am becoming a poll-maker addict, XD lol
I personnally think that Hopscotch is the best because of its great functions like advanced math and self variables. The community is also super friendly here and both the Hopscotch App and the Forum is amazing!
I agree with you, @William04GamerA! Hopscotch is very user friendly and fun!
ive only tried JavaScript and stink at it rip
I’m bad at Javascript too, but I haven’t given up on it.
ive been meaning to start learning it more but just haven’t had the time
hope u get better at it soon tho!!