You may have been overwhelmed by the vast quantity of videos you could watch in Hopscotch. How could you know which one was right for you? In this release, we’ve organized the videos into collections so you can find what you want to make and learn how to do it!
Awesome! I like the new design, it’s very smooth, and I feel it fits nicely with the rest of the app.
Boo ya! Now everybody wins when looking for the correct video.
This is very handy, thank you!
That’s cool, but didn’t it used to be separated as well?
Couldn’t update myself but I assume that there are more categories as well. Even though there should be more free videos in my opinion, the separation of them into categories is great!
Why does set position round the x and y coordinate? Last touch is not rounded and editor position is not rounded either… it’s really inconvenient at times having to use a separate variable to control decimal places. (Lmk if you need this as separate topic or a link)
Nice, alphabetized the categories too
Cool, I am updating right now!
Set blocks are still executing in the wrong order when followed by a custom ability with a conditional as the 1st rule.
You said @Nazari was taking a look, but neither he nor anyone else has ever responded.
It’s bad enough that the Player executes code inconsistently (see Case 1 in the post linked above & I can give many more examples), but it’s not OK that the player executes code incorrectly!
Ok, I updated myself… and…
um well, the categories are cool, but that giant create button? …
@ThinBuffalo Nazari is a he
thanks for the reminder. We will get to it–I promise! Right now Nazari is tied up with the large project of redoing our collisions so they will be fast, even with a lot of clones.
Here’s an example of what we’re trying to make smooth:
Glad to hear faster collision are high priority, will make life a lot easier
Yess faster collisions
That’s great
What does the create button look like on iPad?
Any ECD @AwesomeOnion?
I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one that cares but I just can’t bring myself to use (or encourage others to use) a software that can’t consistently manage the most simple of programming expectations like setting variables - every time and in every situation. Doing other things like fast collisions is great, but it’s like putting lipstick on a pig if the Player doesn’t update variables correctly.
You’re not the only one. I’ve worked around the issue by putting wait 0 after every chain of set variables, but I also think that software with a demographic like Hopscotch’s should ensure that basic order of operations works.
(FYI for anyone else here, ECD = Earliest/Estimated Completion Date)
My intention was Estimated Completion Date, though you make a good point. I shouldn’t assume others use the same definition for acronyms
it’s the first thing I found when googling
It really does mean the same thing though if you think about it