A few weeks ago, @Nazari decided to code Plants vs Zombies in Hopscotch. As he was working, he became frustrated with the lack of a “touch end” event. Since he’s an engineer, he took matters into his own hands and built it himself. Now you can use it too (with the beta editor)!
You’ll also find some other small but mighty improvements to Hopscotch:
You weren’t the only one annoyed when our keyboard scroll reset every time you switched blocks. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to convenience. Your keyboard now remembers the last block you were editing and reopens in the right spot every time.
The play sound now uses wait seconds rather than milliseconds. We’ve also added help text to remind you that 1 second is equal to 1000 milliseconds.
New block: “set Z index” is now out of beta. With this, you can start positioning your objects for the perfect 3D tableau.
Bug fixes:
Thank you tankt2016 for finding a bug where copy/paste for text objects was not working on iOS 13. We fixed it!
Some minor issues where our characters would appear in the wrong z-order.
Well, Halloween is over, but if it wasn’t you would see that the Halloween characters now have help text.
Please add your questions/comments/concerns and bug reports to this thread. Thank you!
Oh boy this is going to be revolutionary
Do trails go to the Z index the object drawing them is on? Or do they all go to the back of all the objects, with each trail in front of each other?
Weird, it’s still not showing up for me either. I publish these notes once the update is approved and released on the app store from our end. Sometimes Apple’s servers have problems with sending the update to everyone on the app store though.