Maybe a day or 2 extension?
New deadline: 2024-06-01T03:59:00Z
the project should only take you 10 minutes
Imma do it on the bus thats why
sorry i forgot bout this :>
update on judging-
sorry for the long wait, i completely forgot to start judging so i just started it today. some of the judges are inactive, so im probably gonna need some substitute judges. please vote here if you’re interested!
- me
I can help
uh so like I actually might need a lot more judges since basically all of the current ones are inactive
- me
Could I be a judge?
of course! i’ll tag you in the topic
suuuuper sorry about the very extreme delay in the results judging has pretty much gone nowhere in the past month & i organized it badly so that’s my fault
i’ve reorganized it so now i think we should make more progress than before ?? results definitely wont be out until like mid august tho since roadocean suspended himself until august 9 and he’s one of the judges & also a lot of the judges are just inactive😭(/nm)
at this point i’ll allow anyone who participated to also judge if they’re interested - you just won’t judge your project
super super bump
sorry completely forgot about this ! per usual
i MIGHT need just 1 extra judge — please please please vote here if you’d like to help, it would only take a few minutes:
- me!! me!!! me!!!
hi @ThePenguins long time no see (but not really)