The Ultimate Pixel Art Guide :D

Did you ever want to learn how to make pixel art in different ways?

If you did, then this is the topic for you! :D

Dot pixel art

First, drag out a Leave a Trail block. Make it have whatever color you want it to be.

Then, make a new value. Name it whatever you want to name it.

Insert your value into the Width block and make it move forward 1. Then, put a move forward block after the Leave a Trail block. Make it move forward to your value.

Make your value whatever width you want the pixel to be.

You finished your dot pixel! :D
The code should look like this:

Now all you have to do is make a new custom block with that code in it! Insert you’re new block anywhere to make more pixels. :D

Square pixel art (not perfect)

First, drag out a Leave a Trail block. Make the color whatever color you need.

Now, make a new value. Name that value whatever you want to name it.

Insert your new value in the Width block. Then, insert the value in the move forward block. After the move forward block, add a Turn block. Make it turn 90 degrees and make it repeat 4 times.

After the Leave a Trail block, drag out a Move Forward block. Make it say “Your value X 2”

At the beginning, make it set speed to a really high number. Then make your value whatever width you want your pixel to be.

You finished your square pixel! :D
The code should look like this:

Square pixel art (perfect)

For this just copy this code:
thanks @smishsmash for the picture

If you want help on this style, then just ask @smishsmash or @anon14801539 :D


Whenever you’re making pixel art, DO NOT guess the position. Code it instead. If you don’t it’ll look crooked and bad. D:

Try not to stack the text a lot and try to spread it out. If you do stack them, then put all of the code in a custom block.

Never try to guess the HSBs because it might end up with different colors.

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great topic… Heres a horse! :horse:


You didn’t read that fast… That was laik one second :0


No because I want to learn pixel art soon… And yes I did not read it at first .-.


Great topic!

I like the square pixel art the most!


This is amazing! It’s so useful! Great topic! :D<K


Thanks! :D
@anon91308878 @tankt2016 @codingCupcake123


Revive :0 <jhggjhihgcjhgsJgyjdhgfaighfdayibdfayggiydagyifdagiyydfgayigfa

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The poll was accidentally anonymous XD

I fixed it lol

ppl said “YES :D” for no reason XD


Awesome topic! Here’s a cookie :cookie:


So amazing! Now I can finally make that circle one! Sank You! (It means thank you, just weirdly)


Nice tutorial! :DD

This will be a great help to other hopscotchers in the future! :3


This is not really the ULTIMATE pixel art guide…

Ima edit it

Revive :0 <vhjshivsgiyghisougguoaoububoabiua

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Bump revive poke :00000

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You forgot the ZAP

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Revive zap bump poke

PIX! Can you post a picture for each of the different styles so we know what they look like?

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Im doing my first ever pixel art
Its a demon eye from terraria
Wish me luck guise
Im doing it in @smishsmash and @anon14801539 square style.

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