The censoring here does not work

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Wait no I don’t. But this forum’s censors aren’t very good at censoring.

  1. Easy Bypassing
    You can very easily bypass the censor with just an empty HTML tag, and it shows uncensored. I don’t know how to fix it, but it could be done somehow.

  1. Unnecessary words.
    There are a lot of words that are unnecessarily censored, like address, but one of them is extremely unnecessary, and has probably been addressed before.
    There is pretty much NO WAY anyone could use this rudely!
    Well, someone could say, "I’m bullying you, but nobody would say that.


Dude, I’​m leaving because I have to put my iPad a​way and it’s stu​pid that my add​ress isn’t an element​ary school.

Yeah, that suc​ks.


Yeah, it is easy to bypass, and this have been discussed before. THT wants to guarantee everyone’s security here, so that is why they have censored words, but they could possibly look over their list and improve it after our suggestions. However, I think that words like “bullyng” (with an “i” in it) can be used both to make clubs against it, but THT also thinks that it could be used negatively.

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you can just do this

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