Text (transparent background) masks other objects from touch events (OPEN)

Bug Report: @Montoya @Liza @Rodrigo @AwesomeOnion

Text (transparent background) masks other objects from “touch” events

Your username: ThinBuffaloSr

What kind of device are you using?: IPad Air w/ iOS 10.2

Description of the problem: Objects that are under transparent areas of a text object do not respond to “touch” events

Steps to make the problem happen:

  1. Add any object. For the example, I used a text object with a button emoji. (This must be created first to demonstrate bug)

  2. Add a text object & give it some text that includes spaces.

  3. Add the following event to the button.

Play project. So far this works as expected.

  1. Position button in the space of the text

Play project. Now the button will not respond to the tap.

The text (Text 2) was created after the button (Text 1), and so the button (Text 1) is under & being masked by text (Text 2), which is on top, even though the button is under a transparent area of the text object.

  1. Add a Bring to Front block to the button.

Play project. Now the button responds to the tap as expected.

But the transparent text background should not mask objects underneath from touch events.


So rip Flappy Bird ;-;


That’s a good one. Will check it out!


Like @Liza said, she will check it out. I hope it will be fixed.


I’ve had a problem similar to that, but I worked my way around it by using variables to set it’s position and etc.

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Ooh, that just made me think of another workaround (don’t know if this will work) -

When iPad is tapped
    Check If abs(last touch X - object x position) < 20 And abs(last touch Y - object y position) < 20
        // object was tapped


Bump. @ana @AwesomeOnion

This bug report from over 2 years ago hasn’t been answered

I assume the behavior is just due to a simplification used for taps/presses with texts where the entire rectangular container is used as the contact region. But can this be improved? Is it anticipated that the collision improvements, already on the roadmap, will addreśs this?

FYI, recent activity where this bug was causing difficulty:



It’s kinda useful actually. Spaces don’t count, so flappy birds will still work, it’s just not precise. If you need a precise collision, just use a shape and set it to a text. If you don’t need precise collision for a character, put a text and use set image

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Thank you guys!


Hi @Awesome_E, could you elaborate? I don’t follow the point you’re trying to make.

Spaces do count. See the example in the OP.

Edit: I think I muddied the waters by using the term “collisions”. I’ve fixed the wording in the post where I bumped the topic.

This bug is related to Tap/Press events only


ah I see, yeah that makes sense


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