What exactly is the correlation between art and programming?
For several years, many coders here on the forum have wondered about this crazy, energetic, but (obviously) creative community within a community. Some scratch their heads and ask why these users are even here and how their craft has anything to do with coding or even Hopscotch—other than to draw thousands of pictures on the app. Many of you artists just want to be creative and don’t see how what you do can connect to coding, but you’re thankful that THT has let you keep your opportunity to share your art.
The Hopscotch Leaders are about to answer your question and bridge the gap between two very diverse, but very essential communities.
Games like Angry Birds, RPGs and even the ubiquitous Mario depend on artists to help map out their visions and flesh out their code. From mockups to maps, backgrounds to sprites, artists play an integral part in helping programmers create a marketable and attractive product. The new drawing topic will help connect Hopscotch coders with the artists who can provide elements which can be used within the games that we all love to create and play on the app.