So today there’s been a bit of a spamtagging Situation.
In the morning, there was a user called @HelloIAmYourNewFrien that was spamtagging OMTL, pomtl and leaders.
Another user, supposedly xse jr, @ItsJAZZY_HS was doing the same thing with spamtagging the OMTL and swearing.
If you’ve all seen any closing/splitting/opening on any topics, it was because of that.
I’d request that you don’t bring it up or ask any furthur questions about this because we’ve dealt with both the users and all of the inappropriate posts.
Just ignore the tags.
This topic was made as an official explaination of everything so y’all don’t have to keep asking on the GDT. I’ll just request that you don’t ask any more questions about this or discuss it further.
Sorry for the inconvenience y’all, this isn’t fun for anyone