Scratch’s cloud variables only allow numbers
you could still do a code with numbers
1 = a 2 = b 3 = c and so on
so 3 1 2 would be cab
4 1 2 would be dab
and 2 1 4 would be bad
Yes, that’s why I said they should be moderated
Someone can’t just make a base 10 converter
And if you mean linearly, no there aren’t 10 letters in the alphabet, and moderation too
Yeah I probably wouldn’t use it for emails, but maybe a notification project would be cool.
Yeah, it could be a base 100 calculator, tho I still stick with my suggestion of using 0 custom variables and only using in app ones like maybe tilt and last touch.
10 lol
There ain’t 100 digits in the system we use
There are 10
Or like base 26
Cuz we do need a-z imo, maybe 35 to add numbers to, then theirs symbols…
No, I mean like smth that converts from base 64 to base 10 is called a base 10 converter
Would be 1
Would be 65
Anyways GingBOT, my suggestion would prob be perfect
But what if I wanted to say ZZ (making an encoder rn cuz I’m bored)
Going from base 10 to base 36, per say, is pretty easy and only requires a few lines of code.
The same would go for the inverse if only we had an “indexOf” block – but we don’t – so that requires checking every single character.
Huuhhhh? Send to a user sounds funny.
A person would be pinged.
Well it just sets their variable to whatever is sent, they don’t get a notification
Uhh… really useful then
Bump - I like this, but would be difficult to moderate
Maybe only seed devs get access to this block?