I made a project called Campfire, and the fire is supposed to go on forever, but it eventually disappears.
I need some help with code.
I made a project called Campfire, and the fire is supposed to go on forever, but it eventually disappears.
I need some help with code.
Can we have a link?
Yep, give me a minute…
hey for stuff that needs to be edited, maybe tag @ Leaders to an old post with the link/name of the user, and right here?
Testing… By the way another thing is that the grass overlaps the wood on my iPad
Try restarting the project
How long does it go on for currently?
I would say between 30 seconds and a minute, maybe longer
Oh found it! there can only be 4096 clones, and you clone forever. I’m gonna post an updated version soon.
Ok thanks!
Like FunDardo said, you are running out of clones. Let’s see who are first to fix this!
beat you!
Awesome! Thanks
Oh whoops! found a bug. One second.
Real fixed version! https://c.gethopscotch.com/p/109v2xa7ya
Thanks again! Your a project-saver
Oh gosh! Wait! Found another bug!
Thank goodness I started this topic lol
Ok I’m doin’ a test run this time.