Why should we have this? Hopscotchers probably have a preference of editing style, sometimes depending on projects they edit. A nice little options screen would be nice.
I would also like to see user settings such as “move to next field when variable tapped”, “wait in seconds”, and default project settings as well, but that’s for a separate topic.
Remember, there’s so many possibilities. This is just a concept that barely scratches the surface.
And btw, that “advanced editor” is something I’d definitely be interested in.
This whole concept really shows that “new user confusion” does not have to limit the devs’ plans @ THT. They are very capable and I could see great things coming out of this.
This would be really cool! And isn’t would make it easier to find projects… if you see a cool project you find it’s I.D. And copy it, then when you wanna find It you paste it in the search bar and BOOM there you have it
The uuid is what’s in a link, so it’s actually easier. You’d just need to add https://c.gethopscotch.com/p/ before it and that will send you straight to the project.
sorry im a lil late but i really like the example design you made. i think having project settings on projects would be really cool. maybe users can also create descriptions for their projects, like special instructions and etc. it could also have warnings for for viewers discretion with flashing colors/lights and that sort of stuff. this is a great idea!
You’re basic so you can’t post pictures or links yet. Once you reach Member (my Tier Level) you can post them without people having to fix them for you.