There is a project you can remix in Hopscotch to get the secret blocks. On computer, I don´t really know. I think that you need to edit the draft version.
@Petrichor made a nice post about it.
I use it sometimes to add hidden blocks.
You can look at the webplayer for IDs or look on my Siri Shortcut post
I updated this to add the coordinates into 3 different rules like this:
This just speeds it up.
I also added materials.
I haven’t been on for a year now. I’m working on some mods and a complete documentation I’ll have a topic with a link to my Hopscotch Modding documentation.
Cool, just remember the strict guidelines, and good luck. If you are curious as to what I mean, just ask the @Leaders
There isn’t a proper JSON editor, but people do it with their computers.
Closest thing is my shortcut or a pc
You can. They don’t show up in the editor and need to use a parameter’s key property to be labled.
@awesome_e made a siri shortcut. I think a few people are working on one, not sure if they are still.
Not yet.
By the way, I’m Tehc.
i just realized alts are banned…
alts are not allowed
deleting now…
What account do you need deleted? I will ask a site admin to do it if you are unable to since the ability to delete your account goes away a while after you have created your account.
@XxFoxxedxX just let W04GA if you want your acc deleted or just email Ana at:
I hope this helps!
Thank you @SilverSong!
No problemo!
Can you please delete @Tehc-Old-acc?
I have forwarded a request to Ana, our main forum moderator, to do that.
Thanks. Now we just wait and try not to get banned(I didn’t know the community guidelines when I made that account).
No problem! Just follow the rules now and use one account and you´re good to go.