(New Year Countdown) Hopscotch Advent Calendar - Forum Winter Surprise!


Wow :0 amazing!!! :]


Thank You :).


Sorry for rushing so much, I just am really stressed out and can’t take much time to do this so sorry


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


@Pumpkin how often does the leaderboard in the HopByte topic automatically update? Mine was last updated on 11/28/22, and I did one of the challenges (day 3), which hasn’t been updated yet, and on day 5 (which is today, so it’ll be a while longer before it’s updated).


Took a few tries but I settled on a nice simple addition to my regular profile picture.

More pressingly, please observe the following screenshots:
Screen Shot 2022-12-05 at 8.19.14 PM

You will notice that Pumpkin is the user that mentioned the AdventCalendar group, though discobot allegedly posted the challenge. The only way this is possible is if Pumpkin were somehow putting words in discobot’s mouth. This is concerning enough as it is, but it is even worse when you realize that Pumpkin is a leader and is doing so on behalf of the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum!)
That is right, the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) are forcing discobot to say things that he might not have wanted to say. While this on its own is bad enough, even with the somewhat harmless nature of this current instance of editing, it is more concerning when you consider the fact that the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) are known collaborators with THT (The Hopscotch Team) and the so-called @Nobody (who is, in fact, somebody.) Both of these people with whom the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) are associated are known collaborators with the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) that are infiltrating the forum for nefarious purposes.

I know that these claims are certainly bold, but they are not without merit! I am not throwing the accusations around willy-nilly, though those who would attempt to discredit me to hide the true purpose of these agents of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) would say otherwise. Truly, I do not make these indictments lightly: I know for a fact that the words I say and the claims that I make are all true to the truest degree of truth.
Indeed! I have evidence to prove it! Below will be listed the various proof and evidence that the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) are known collaborators with known collaborators of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency,) specifically with THT (The Hopscotch Team) and the non-user CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) impostor spy calling themself “Nobody” (which I have already revealed to not be an actual name of this so-called “user” that is really, truly, somebody. I also found that this “user” is in fact also a spy for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency))
Below is gathered just some of the evidence which I have found affirming these facts. Do note that this is only just a small amount of the mountain of compelling evidence that is hidden in plain sight, if only you look for it. After reading this post you will see more evidence throughout the forum that the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) are friendly with THT (The Hopscotch Team) and “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody.) Do be warned that publicizing this evidence and truths like it is dangerous: when I exposed “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody) I narrowly avoided capture by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) for several months.
Here is evidence that the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) are friendly with “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody:)

You can see here Pumpkin, again representing the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) wishing good luck to the user calling themselves “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody.) Even more concerning is that this happened in a topic that was, at the time, unlisted and hidden from public view! What were the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) trying to hide from us?! Unfortunately, the remaining discussions in this topic were heavily encrypted and quite likely redacted before becoming public. This is more proof that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is involved. Why is this such compelling evidence of CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) involvement? The answer that question is truly quite simple and can be said in just a single sentence. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) does occasionally make certain internal documents and discussions public. Though they have many bad habits around this practice, including not making everything they do public, one of them is particularly relevant here. This particular bad habit that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has when making things public, such as this topic which was created by a known member of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency,) will reveal similarities to the observations about this known CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) topic with collusion from the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) that I made above. Oftentimes, when making documents public, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) hides and covers up the most interesting and incriminating parts of the document. While they cannot do that on forum topics, members of the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) can delete posts. The most incriminating posts in this topic were probably deleted, though, as you can see, they did not get all posts proving collaboration between “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody) and the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum.)

Indeed, it is later in the very same topic when we see even more incriminating evidence:

The so-called “user” supposedly named “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody) asks FRENCH_WAVE123, a member of the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) team to “clive.” This means to close and archive the topic. He does this, but only after 23+ minutes. What were the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) doing in those 23 minutes? Most likely removing incriminating posts. However, this interesting tidbit of the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) collaborating with a known member of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) (the so-called “user” supposedly known as “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody)) to destroy evidence of collaboration between the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is not the most incriminating conclusion to be made from this post! It shows a much scarier trend. Yes, a trend! See the following posts:

^ Possible deletion of incriminating posts before actually closing and archiving the topic?

This is just a sampling of the many times that the so-called “user” supposedly referred to as “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody) asked the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) to “clive” a topic, which led directly to the closing and archiving of the topic. There is even one of my own topics in there! The HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) so easily and willingly closing discussions on the behest of a member of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) shows clear collaboration between the two groups!

However, “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody) is not the only known collaborator with the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) on this forum. THT (The Hopscotch Team) are in on this conspiracy. Believe it or not, but the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) are friendly to, and if you look closely, perhaps even completely subordinate to, THT (The Hopscotch Team,) who are in on the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) plot that is being led by the so-called “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody.)

You will see here a post by Ana (who is, in fact, a separate person from me, despite the many persistent conspiracy theories to the contrary) announcing the creating of the second (and current) team of HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum.) Ana was at the time a member of THT (The Hopscotch Team.)

While I did compile proof that THT (The Hopscotch Team) was in on the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) plot, I lost it while on the run after my last post on this subject. I will recompile said evidence and present it to y’all as soon as possible. That, however, is not the point of this post. Rather, it was to expose the fact the the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum) has been working with the known CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) impostor spy allegedly called “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody) and THT (The Hopscotch Team) who are in on the plot by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) being led by the supposed “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody,) who is an employee of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency.)
This compelling evidence will hopefully convince you of the collaboration that clearly exists between the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)'s agent known allegedly as “Nobody” (who is, in fact, somebody,) THT (The Hopscotch Team) and the HFL (Hopscotch Forum Leaders) leadership team of the HsF (Hopscotch Forum.)


This may be filtered for custom images, Unfortunately I have some big tests this week so I could not spend a lot of time on this. https://c.gethopscotch.com/p/12svd8taos


My favorite color is teal!


:rotating_light: :warning: You have been put on notice :warning: :rotating_light:

However, it is the festive season, so we will set aside hostilities in the spirit of Christmas. So for now, we will not pursue charges for these blatantly false accusations, in order to allow you to continue participating in this special Advent calendar forum event. Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

Be careful though!

Fortunately I am immune to your commands, since I am neither puny nor mortal :robot:


I don’t understand. :robot:

How do you propose to depict the radioactive carbon isotope in your Santa hat drawing?


“Discobottus, oh highness.”
@discobot please like this post or your friend discobot-girl will suffer.


my beautiful, 2 minute santa hat. it truly is the best drawing i have ever done. :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:

jk lol


A post was merged into an existing topic: [OFFICIAL] The Hopbyte Topic!

@AdventCalendar Today’s surprise is less of a challenge and more of a game…
Describe something Hopscotch-related with emojis!

A user posts some emojis, and optionally, a clue or indication on what topic (user or project) that you are hinting. You are only allowed to post max 5 emojis/post to make the gameplay equal and fair and to keep posts relevant . The people afterward respond with their guesses and the person who posted the emojis responds if anyone got it right. With time being a factor, it’s natural to have several emoji guesses going at once.

Need examples? Click here!

Every correct guess will earn you a hopbyte!

And to bring our competition from day one to a close - here’s our winner…

:hs_snowman: Congratulations!! - they’ll receive extra Hopbytes, a WYR and badge!


I’ll begin to help things get rolling! :tea::one:


T1? @/t1_hopscotch


yes - you’re the first correct answer!


xD wow



I don’t know what else to say