Mega Summer Camp 2020

Oops, sorry

Accidentally posted


No, I’ll check those manually. No need to worry about that! :slight_smile:


liked all posts from the challenge one to this one

nominated like 5, here’s a link to one of them


Wait, we need to show proof?


Yeah, for a couple of the tasks. See here:


@William04GamerA my friend is trying to code the megascAmp, pls help me give her tips


Sure! What do you mean specifically by



What you do


Aha, I see! This sums everything up, I think:


I hope you’re all enjoying summer! I know it was a while since I posted a trail art lesson, but I plan on getting one out tomorrow. In the meantime, I have another checklist challenge for you!
(Prizes for the checklist challenges will be awarded in bulk, so if you’ve completed some tasks on the first one, I’ll let you know shortly what prizes that you can redeem)

Checklist challenge #3: Due 2020-07-20T18:00:00Z

Forum tasks
Like 10 posts 1 point
Find a “secret” forum trick related to post formatting here and use it in at least one of your replies 1 point/reply (max 10 points, meaning that you will receive posts for max 10 replies where you use the trick)
Welcome a new user in this topic 2 points
Say happy forum (or Hopscotch) anniversary to at least three people on this topic. Refer to this list. 3 points
App tasks
Like 8 interesting projects 1 point
Follow a new user who you think has interesting projects 1 point if you follow the user + 1 point if you give the user a “shoutout” here can’t access that topic? no problem. you can claim that bonus point by following two users instead of one.

And this time, I’m putting out what I call CRAZY tasks! These tasks are due TODAY in just about two hours - 2020-07-19T18:10:00Z, but they give you a crazy amount of points. If one of the tasks below is completed late, you’ll get half of the bonus points.

Bonus app tasks
Follow two new users 8 points
Create a Hopscotch project and publish it to the community 10 points!!!
Create a Hopscotch project with only one object and publish it to the community 17 points!!! (if you do this task, you are technically eligible for the task above with 10 points as well, but you’ll only get the 17 points unless you make two separate projects)
Bonus forum tasks
Like 25 posts 8 points!!!
Update your bio (provide proof) 10 points!!!
Create a new (useful and relevant) topic 17 points!!!

For further information about the checklist challenges, you can check here.


new bio in bold:
get ready for July 25th : in partnership with Fundardo, tankt2016, and GweTV comes a tropical getaway tapper game || FearlessPhoenix Remodeling Co. © coming August 2020 || August project publishing day: August 9 ||

working on:
Trip Up Sticks
Get Rich!
A pixel art
High Hopes — Panic! at The Disco
Krabby Patty Kraze
Moonlight Sonata
Make it go boom (possibly)

I have 4 old featured and 6 curated that I know of

tag me if you need code help
I make music, pixel art, and games with cool transitions

new bio:


disregard that, forgot to delete

@William04GamerA can I publish then unpublish a hopscotch project with one object then post a link here with it counting?


also liked the most recent 25 posts in the y-thing, welcomed Skytec, and said happy anniversary to 3 users


awe no mine’s in pending



Anni posts

Liked forum posts

Mega Summer Camp 2020

Mega Summer Camp 2020

[OFFICIAL] Fifth Annual Summer Competition!

[OFFICIAL] Fifth Annual Summer Competition!

[OFFICIAL] Fifth Annual Summer Competition! (10)

[OFFICIAL] Introduce Yourself!

[OFFICIAL] Introduce Yourself!

[OFFICIAL] Introduce Yourself!

[OFFICIAL] Introduce Yourself!

[OFFICIAL] Introduce Yourself!

[OFFICIAL] Introduce Yourself!

Forum hidden functions

Forum hidden functions

Forum hidden functions

Forum hidden functions

Forum hidden functions

Forum hidden functions

Forum hidden functions

New bio


“believe you can and you’re halfway there” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Never push yourself to the side and pretend to be that which you are not. You were created the person you are. ~ Autobot_Beejay

You have made me face plant into a couch. Be proud of yourselves ~Rainbow cheese chicken, aka TheDeliciousOrange

“Instead of making a wish and waiting for it to come true, get out there and make it happen yourself” - FearlessPhoenix

Hey there, I’m SilverStar. Feel free to call me Silvie though :). If y’all have any questions, concerns or anything feel free to tag me! I’ll do my best to help, if I can.

Some facts:

  • What is your Hopscotch username? SilverStar :unicorn:

  • Do you have any nicknames? Silvie/silvery or anything you wanna call me except Verdo

  • What pronouns do you prefer? She/her

  • How long have you been using Hopscotch? Since 2014, but I took a 2 year hiatus or so :slight_smile:

  • What is your biggest Hopscotch accomplishment? Probably getting my first featured on the art channel!

  • Profile picture drawn by the amazing @Serenity, and coded by @TheDeliciousOrange!

Some achievements:

  • I have 5 features (curated, on the channels)

  • Hopscotch forum curator since 28th May 2020

  • HSF Starship leader 17th July 2019 - 4th May 2020

  • 1119 plays (currently) on my Day of Silence pixel art :smiley:

  • 3rd place in Day Of Silence competition!

  • I have awesome friends here :slight_smile:

  • Fan accounts: 3!

You know something? You’re special. I chose my name, SilverStar because you are your own star. You’re beautiful just the way you are, and you shouldn’t change that as I’m sure others see things in you that you don’t. You’re beautiful, and unique. And I’m glad you are. Because that’s why you are a star, why you are different to everyone else around you. I love you for you being you dear reader :slight_smile:

That’s all folks, see you next time.

Remember, you are beautiful.


“believe you can and you’re halfway there” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Never push yourself to the side and pretend to be that which you are not. You were created the person you are. ~ Autobot_Beejay

You have made me face plant into a couch. Be proud of yourselves ~Rainbow cheese chicken, aka TheDeliciousOrange

“Instead of making a wish and waiting for it to come true, get out there and make it happen yourself” - FearlessPhoenix

Hey there, I’m SilverStar. Feel free to call me Silvie though :). If y’all have any questions, concerns or anything feel free to tag me! I’ll do my best to help, if I can.

Some facts:

  • What is your Hopscotch username? SilverStar :unicorn:

  • Do you have any nicknames? Silvie/silvery or anything you wanna call me except Verdo

  • What pronouns do you prefer? She/her

  • How long have you been using Hopscotch? Since 2014, but I took a 2 year hiatus or so :slight_smile:

  • What is your biggest Hopscotch accomplishment? Probably getting my first featured on the art channel!

  • Profile picture drawn by the amazing @Serenity, and coded by @TheDeliciousOrange!

Some achievements:

  • I have 5 features (curated, on the channels)

  • Hopscotch forum curator since 28th May 2020

  • HSF Starship leader 17th July 2019 - 4th May 2020

  • 1119 plays (currently) on my Day of Silence pixel art :smiley:

  • 3rd place in Day Of Silence competition!

  • I have awesome friends here :slight_smile:

  • Fan accounts: 3!

You know something? You’re special. I chose my name, SilverStar because you are your own star. You’re beautiful just the way you are, and you shouldn’t change that as I’m sure others see things in you that you don’t. You’re beautiful, and unique. And I’m glad you are. Because that’s why you are a star, why you are different to everyone else around you. ** Don’t try to be someone you’re not, because you are who you are. all you can do is embrace it.**

Forum tricks

Forum hidden functions

New User welcoming

[OFFICIAL] Introduce Yourself!


I have been linked to your post

Thank you for liking my posts


indeedo lol
ah ty Ana!


No, unless it is a project that at least does something.


depends on your definition of “does something” but this is a WIP, just a background with day/night cycle (no sun/moon yet) so far and you can hit the locks to make them move

1 Like

That’s something! I just don’t want people to drag out a square with no code, publish the project, and then claim the prize.