I’ll keep my trail art course running with new posts as often as I can, but I felt that I wanted to chip in something else in the meantime. @SilverStar suggested that I brought back a thing the camp had yesterday, which was “Checklist challenges”.
What are checklist challenges?
Checklist challenges are flash-challenges presented in a checklist format, which you usually have a day or two to do. No challenges in the camp are mandatory, but if you want to, you can try to check of as many of the items in the checklist as possible.
Prizes will be awarded, I just need to figure out what prizes I’ll give out
To prove that you have done certain tasks, do this:
If it’s a forum task which involves you posting something: save all the reply links related to the task and post them here in one reply.
If it’s a Hopscotch project task, reply with your finished project here.
If it’s any other kind of task, reply here saying that you have finished the task, and I’ll verify that.
Please try to keep your finished tasks in one post per checklist.
Checklist challenge #1: Due 2020-07-15T18:00:00Z
Forum tasks
Like 10 posts 1 point
Post 5 Hopscotch-related replies in any topic. 3 points
Give someone a compliment in this topic! 2 points
Nominate one project you think are worthy of getting curated here. 2 points
Forum + app tasks
Find a Hopscotcher you think is underrated or an unscouted talent, and post about them in a topic that you think it’s appropriate. It can be in the YCTAYHCH topic, the General Project Updates topic, the Make Someone Smile topic, the Nominate Your Projects topic, or any other topic, as long as it’s a relevant topic. 4 points
Post one reply about your upcoming or past coding projects or experiences in Hopscotch here or anywhere else where it’s relevant. 2 points
Follow a new user, and tell us why you followed them in this topic! 3 points
App tasks
Like 10 projects 1 point