Master of Disguise updates!

Hiya, it’s SoSpends! I’ve been working on “Master of Disguise” (Master of Disguise 🥸 fixed ALL achievements! by SoSpends ✟) and so far, it’s pretty good in my opinion. I’ve been working on chapter 2, well, if you count planning it out and writing the dialogue. I’m planning to actually start coding chapter 2 some time in June. With that, the release date is still uncertain. It’s probably gonna release sometime in July-August. Stay tuned for news and sneak peeks, such as the person at the door was actually a person who used to work for Devlin Bowman!
So, I hope you like the game so far! If you find any bugs or suggestions, feel free to post them here!


Hey, @SoSpends do you want to do a collab on a game?


Sure, what game? Sorry for the late response


It’s ok, really whatever you want like maybe an adventure but there is different possible outcomes depending on how many battles you win, like maybe a save the world type of thingy. Sorry for the late response

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Sorry for the late response (heheheh…yeah 23 hrs later -_-)
We could do like an adventure game or somth, imma go ahead and make like the theme for it kk? I’ll post it soon

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Why don’t I just make a collab account? It will be easier. Sorry for the late reply…eleven hours later

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Yeah sure just give me the name if ur collab account. Also I posted the theme song (maybe)

Ok, it’ll be called “SoSpend & CC” I’ll share the password somehow

Ok got it :slight_smile:

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@SoSpends come on our acc, also should the game be about this lost robot who is basically human (like feelings and stuff) and it’s like a quest

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Hey, I want this to be like a secret thing we’re working on, so maybe can we just talk thru projects on the account??

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Hey @SoSpends and @CodeCrazy!

How about you guys make a private collab topic?

You can go to Collaborations & Beta Testing and make a topic and fill out the OP

One of y’all can do it


Ok go on the acc then, I’ll be on it

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It’s fine, we have the acc after all

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That’s fine!

I was just suggesting so you didn’t have to talk with projects :))


I know, it’s hard to not sound like your yelling because you can’t hear my voice when you read it

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