Leaving hopscotch for now

Woah I haven’t seen anyone say that in that way for a while

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I’ve been thinking about making an account just for remixing…which will include regular remixes, but also stuff like bug fixes and improvements

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I guess there will be a new generation

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Hello @BlastFusion!

Hi there
Porgsporgs Ergsergsergserg

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Is this topic about partimefeamle or Hopscotch remixer?

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i have to put this in here cause of my terible computer

i have to leave in 11 days becase i fond a thing were you can wipe the ipads to download one app (only works on ios 10)and the app i downloaded is updateing in 11 days and if i wipe my ipad than i will be unable to re download hs because they will have taken it off. to anwser you other questions, i do not know when they will take it off. my mother told me it was saposed to be yesterday but its still on there, so i might be misinformed. you will not have to leave hopscotch because of this. you can stay on hs as long as you like (well at least until 8th grade) the removle from the app catolouge will not force you to delete the app.


it about me. we live in the same county so it affects him a bit


Scotch Tape WHY?
But have a great life IRL, use your coding skills in something ;)


@PartTimeFemale and @HopscotchRemixer You are both really amazing people and I’ll miss you and your projects a lot. Hopefully you would be able to go still go on forum.

To solve this, what’s the name of the app catalogue? If THT knows that, hopefully they could contact the company behind the app catalogue so they could fix it.


(Since hsr tagged me I thought he was leaving lol)

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hopscotchremixer is leaving

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Wait what!!!
Now he is leaving NUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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See the post I just posted :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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ikkrrr it’s really sadd :(((((
we all are gonna miss him sm

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its a thing for school ipads in my county. hopscotch docent fit some guidelines for apps in it or something


Okay, that is really strange as Hopscotch is a really safe app, they are even certified by multiple companies for being this safe.

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People have been using it to RP more now. There is less coding lol.

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I’m sorry to hear that, I hope you still will be on the form though!

He’s slowly pulling himself off the forum