@FearlessPhoenix topic you poked me to is already archived and I can’t deprecate it.
It looks like I can’t undelete that post (whoops) but if you want I can unarchive and re-archive it.
wacky, it wasn’t showing up as archived for me. you could try that tho
Yeah it’s cause I accidentally deleted the post. I’ll do that then
oh i meant like “could still like posts” not archived haha.
this works tho so no worries
So if there’s a topic I make where I don’t want people stealing first post, etcetera, just for the sake of it, do I have the right to tag a leader and ask to portal those posts elsewhere?
These posts generally don’t add anything meaningful to the discussion. I feel like this should be a new rule, because I don’t like it when I spend hours on a topic and someone says something like “First! Really cool” without adding anything relevant to the reply.
No offense to those people, nothing personal; it just upsets me after putting so much effort into a topic for viewers to see that, once they read the replies. It’s just not critical, yknow? And the most liked posts are generally the really critical ones.
Of course! Whenever you feel that some posts/conversations don’t fit in your topic we’d be happy to help you clean them up
like rawr said, this unfortunately doesnt make a difference, and it actually works the other way around too.
we’re super super strict about adult-kid interactions and contact, especially if unmoderated, and PI leaks from either side (whether it be the adult or minor) are extremely serious because they can have really bad real-world effects.
loosening up guidelines for different age groups, like allowing more flexibility with shared info, is a huge no because it can allow for CoF and every safety risk that entails
No yes that makes perfect sense I completely agree. It’s too big a risk I get it.
glad it makes sense :)) thanks for understanding
Yes, via admin-only settings
You should change it to 100 character min and 100 character max. Does this post have 100 characters??
I have reached the limit in some internal posts and as far as I know, it’s has been decreased from 32 000 characters on this forum. Still, it’s nothing that you should purposely test or try to bypass, since it would count as spam, which could earn you a community warning that eventually can lead to silencings and suspensions.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Trust Level Requirements
Ok my message was deleted
Hey @GweTV Previous messages were removed because a community member needed to speak about personal details of their account. I didn’t want anyone who pop in later to start asking about specific details!
No worries, I assumed it was for a good reason
hey all!
quick psa:
you guys will notice that theres now a little hopscotch logo “H” flair next to every leader’s profile pic.
we’re using these so that we’re all easily recognizable and approachable, especially for new/returning users :))
Good idea
How do I create a topic
Is it possible to get banned on the forum for like, let’s say 2 minutes?