:Hopscotch: Leaders Q and A Topic 1

Note: This isn’t the best descriptions
What does listing a topic mean? (Continued from PumpkinGirl)
Listing a topic means that if a topic has been unlisted your topic will start being able to show up in “latest” and “newest” and you wont need to tag anyone so they can have access to the topic (it will just notify them). Basically listing is the opposite of unlisting!

My topic has been clived or closed, what happened!?!
Oh no! Your topic may have been inappropriate or maybe it just has been merged to another topic because someone else did the exact same thing (this does not apply to QnA topics). Also a leader could have noticed that its not relevant to hopscotch.

Who can clive, cliveate or close?
Only people with the trust level of Leader or mods and admins!