:Hopscotch: Leaders Q and A Topic 1

Nice topic first reply cool

FAQ At A Glance (I will continue to edit this – yeah it’s getting pretty big now)

Table of Contents

Can you create custom groups?

No, they cannot. That function can only be done by a moderator.

Can you PM people?

Same as above

How about Custom Titles?

This can only be done by a moderator such as Yuanyuan and is only given out on special occasions that will be announced such as the summer contest or leader applications. Asking for one just because you want one won’t do the trick.

What can I ask them?

You can ask them questions about anything from forum protocols to Hopscotch code. They’ll also ensure that your topics and posts are relevant and positive. You can also tag them if you notice inappropriate content, unsafe links, etc.

When is a good time to tag them?

I’m sure they would love to help anytime, whether it is to deal with a flamewar, closing a topic temporarily, etc. Feel free to tag them for help, that’s why they are leaders.

When could I become a leader?

Whenever Yuanyuan or mods need some more or offer up some more spots or need more assistance. As for what’s required to earn the position – here is a bit of info on that:

What can a leader do?

  • Edit all posts. This includes making them a wiki.
  • Pin/unpin topic
  • Close and Archive topics
  • Edit topics in to or from any category
  • Make topics unlisted
  • Split and merge topics (portaling)
  • Reset topic bump date
  • Daily like limit increased by 3×
  • Any TL4 flag cast on any post immediately takes effect and hides the target post
  • Set slow mode of a topic
More about these functions
  • Edit all posts and make them a wiki: self-explanatory; a Leader can change the contents of any post on the forum
  • Pin/unpin topic: Leaders can pin (or remove a pin) from any topic. Pinning a topic will put it at the top of latest in its categories (most pins), but it can also be put on top of the global “latest” feed.
  • Close and Archive: Leaders can close a topic, which prevents any further replies from anyone except leaders and staff members. Archiving a topic prevents users from liking posts, deleting posts, and editing posts. Archiving also disables replies, but it is common practice to close and archive (aka “clive”) it anyways
  • Edit topic categories: Leaders can change the category of a topic to any visible category, including ones that only Leaders and staff can post in, such as announcements and community.
  • Make topics unlisted: This hides topics from all topic lists except your own unlisted topics in your profile, including latest, search, and other people’s profiles
  • Split and merge (aka portal) posts: Leaders can move posts from one topic to another
  • Reset topic bump date: Ignores the timestamp of the last post/edit on the topic. This is very rarely if ever used, and has almost no effect on anyone who sees a topic this was used on.
  • Daily like limit ✕ 3: triple the maximum amount of likes a regular has. Moderators have unlimited likes.
  • Instant-hide flags: any flags made by Leaders will immediately hide the post from the community.
  • Slow mode: Leaders can temporarily set a time frame that a user must wait for between posts on a topic. If a topic like the YCTAYHCH starts going out of control, for example, a leader can “set slow mode” to make it so each user must wait a certain amount of seconds, minutes, or hours between their posts.

What can’t a leader do?

  • Anything related to users, banning and profiles; this is restricted to THT so all users stay safe.
  • As previously mentioned, PMing people, custom groups, and custom titles are all mod-only functions.
  • Basically, a leader has full control of every post and topic, but nothing related to users

Note: Most, if not all of the Leaders are now moderators, so they do have the ability to ban, customize groups, etc., and THT has already worked to ensure that it will be safe.

How can I see when any leader is on so I don’t have to check each or tag them?

You can go to the leaders group and see when each person last posted or was last seen. This also allows you to see everyone in the group.

A Quick Note on Suspensions

Check out this well-written post by Serenity

More Information on Trust Levels

See this detailed post written by William04GamerA

The full post includes the requirements for every trust level as well as the limitations of each, along with some additional information. Click on the link below to view the full post.

Which categories allow me to edit the first post of my topic indefinitely?

Any other questions?

Feel free to tag me or a leader about a FAQ. I will keep this post updated.

Content Codes – “Why was my post edited?”

Code Meaning
CoF Communication outside Forum
pCoF Possible Communication Outside Forum
IC Inappropriate Content
ICL Inappropriate Content / Language
ICR Inappropriate Content / Relationships
ICD Inappropriate Content / Disturbing
PI Personal Info
SPF Spam; Put In Folder

Other Codes

Code Meaning
HS Hopscotch
HSF Hopscotch Forum
THT The Hopscotch Team
HDC Hopscotch Daily Challenge
OP Opening/Discussion Post. (First post in a topic)
(L)GBOT (Let’s) Get back on topic
SOT Stay on topic
OMTL Official Mass Tag List
POMTL Project Official Mass Tag List
GDT General Discussion Topic (aka the thing below)
YCTAYHCH You can talk about your Hopscotch Coding here
GPUT General Project Updates Topic
MSS Make Someone Smile
?? Whatever else

General Questions asked now and then

What's an "anon" account?

It’s an account of someone who has been deleted for breaking the guidelines or by request, but system could not delete all of their posts. It’s like a ban, but not really.

Why must we leave in our edit reasons?

(Tap the arrow to read the full post)

It feels like my advice is being ignored.. is anything even happening "behind the scenes" like the Leaders say?

Obviously, I have no first-hand experience, but the process of getting things done take some time, and it varies depending on timing and the group taking the action. I definitely believe the Leadership team is trying their best to provide a good experience, regardless of the outcome. And Leaders, if you want to edit this to correct some statements, please do by all means.

Why have so many topics been closed (and reopened) recently? and/or... Why do I have a bunch of tags?
  • To put it in my own words, no community is perfect. Hopscotch has a few things that they need to take care of, and they need to do this without being constantly asked by the community on what is happening. That’s why they say “we don’t talk about it” for that situation, as terrible as the reason may come off at first – there’s a reason behind it which is confidential to keep the rest of us safe, really, it is.
  • If you’ve seen these happen before, you know what they are. If you haven’t that’s ok. Mentioning these events or occurrences don’t help the community get better in any way, and if you really need to speak about it privately, email yuanyuan@gethopscotch.com

What's the big deal about images/screenshots?
  • Screenshots are images, and images cost a lot more money than posts since they are much larger files when compared to text. All storage costs money in some form in another, and images are a faster way to increase storage (and thus increasing costs).
  • When possible, it is best to reduce the amount of images in posts, and when posting images, make sure to reduce any risk of showing info.

Help, the forum isn't letting me post links!

No worries, there’s a guide on how to format your links so you can post them as well as the reason behind this decision: How to Link a Hopscotch Project

Long story short: paste the link, select it, and tap the </> button. Your link should turn black, and you should be able to post it.