We’re excited to announce that @t1_hopscotch is joining Hopscotch as our first community intern! @t1_hopscotch will help us manage the forum, answering your questions, managing topics, and building community. She’s also going to identify and reproduce bugs in the app. Many of you already know her as a helpful, experienced Hopscotcher. We’re excited for you to get to know her better, and for her to share her knowledge with the community.
Without further ado…
Hi Hops!! I’m really excited to help out, particularly to share and hear your ideas. You can ask me whenever you need anything, or even if you’re just wondering about something I’ve been Hopscotching since 2014 and, in the past, I’ve helped out with moderation and beta-testing. I love having discussions with Hopscotchers. I hope this opens up opportunities for you too if you’re interested in helping out! Just a note, I’ll be working remotely from Australia, which is 14 hours ahead of NYC.
We hope that we’ll be able to hire more Hopscotchers in the future. If you want to be a Hopscotch intern, here are some ideas to keep in mind:
Keep coding! We’ve followed @t1_hopscotch ’s work for years. Her 2048 game is one the projects we’ve used to test the performance of our app. If 2048 doesn’t work, we’ve got a problem.
Be a good member of the community—live our community values, help other people, and be supportive and kind.
For legal reasons, you must be 18+ to be an intern.
We can’t wait to see how the community grows with @t1_hopscotch ’s help!
What I’ve seen you’re a really good and helpful person. I really think you deserve this. You’ve made some really cool games and I look up to you. I thought it was so cool when you started to follow me.
So you totally deserve this.