What happened…?
Why are all closed topics at the top of latest
Sorry if I didn’t sbyp
Nvm it’s back to normal
That was strange lmao
lol, (first! er, second)
You set it to display topics with the most posts to topics with the least posts.
what does oof mean?
Lol it’s roblox death sound
Before you ask roblox is a game
I know, I play it… But ididn’t know it was THAT oof, lol.
Next time you need a question answered, use your general topic and tag the OMTL. It saves up space and doesn’t clutter the Latest page.
You must have clicked the replies button in latest, it puts the topics with the most replies in the top
That’s weird.
Did you try clicking one of those topics when they appeared as closed? If so, did you get an error message? Discourse is publishing an update to the forum today, which means that there might be some bugs during that time.
I don’t have a general topic I just use others lmao but good idea I didn’t think
I just refreshed the page and it went back to normal
I don’t know how I must of did that but oki thanks