How to make Smooth Backgrounds(EASY)


Enjoy this easy tutorial! make sure to check my others I have floating backgrounds Smooth backgrounds Sin and Cos and how to add the forum as a app! Coming soon is a tutorial on how to make my Cool Hourglass Background (a lot of you have been asking me on hopscotch about that!)


It is an easy tutorial: just copying the code. Also, how do I get that light blue color?


its a custom color look use this link HSB Color Picker


Hmm, can you explain to me the Back… x position?

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Also, how can I get that color so that it shows me right away what color it is? Sorry it doesn’t make sense,. You know how sometimes when you create a custom color, it shows one of the regular colors?

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@Berrymelon I’m not @SnowGirl_Studios, but you can see what color your custom color is in the Leave a Trail block (like how it is in the picture) by playing it and going back into the editor. I hope this is what you meant! :smiley:


There’s a video on making smooth backgrouns on the ‘Create’ tab or the YouTube video here. PopTart0219 also made a project on making smooth backgrounds. :wink:
P.S. I’ve gone over my like limit today so I’ll just give you a <3. :slight_smile:


If it shows one of the regular colours (from what I know, the light grey) it means that HSB colour isn’t valid. :wink:

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Great post @CeeCee (I’ve gone over my like limit before too, it’s a little frustrating so I post :heart:s instead as well ;))

Here’s a tip too, when you post a link to a YouTube video directly in your comment, it shows the video as well :smiley:

So there is the video in case anyone wants to watch it!


Thanks for that t1! :wink:


Uh, @anon25890131, I think I meant like how do I get like that exact HSP color on the Leave A Trail Color -------

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@Berrymelon Ohh… (mental facepalm). Sorry! I use this to get my color codes. I think it’s different from what Snow Girl Studios posted. Sorry again :sweat_smile:


No lines? No problem! :wink:

Easy! Instead of 512 do 1026, and change + 1 to + 1 / 2, and in the second one change + 1 to the X position. :smile:


Revive. Bookmark if you think this is useful. There are many other BGs out there, but this has important code to remember and apply to other backgrounds.