#Hi I’m @NindroidGames.
And I am going to teach you how to do bold text.
First, add a text object, like this:

Then, add a rule, when the game starts,

Repeat times 10, create a clone:

Then add a new rule.
When object is cloned,

Now add set position, and for X tap Cosine. (Don’t worry, it’s simple)

Put 2 in the first slot, then create a new value, put that in the second slot,

In the third slot, put object’s X position.
For Y, use Sine and replace X Position with Y position.
Than increase your value by 36:
If you did it right, it should look like this:

#That’s it
Thanks for reading!
I have more "how to"s
Make a Shop
Make “And” “Or” “When Blocks”
“Clean up” Code
Basic Values