This event/competition/challenge is started by me (@Tri-Angle) and all the currencies, rewards, and prizes are handled by me, not Hopscotch. You can find other similar self-started events in Competitions & Events, or even start one yourself. Because this is started by me, Hopscotch and the forum leaders are not involved or responsible in any of the transactions here.
Since QnAs are quite trendy lately, why not create a competition? Submit your hopscotchified version of your QnA here and be ready to win some huge prize!
Deadline: 2024-05-21T16:59:00Z
How to participate?
Create a QnA in Random Code if you havent already!
Code the questions and answers in a hopscotch project after receiving enough questions!
If you have already done a video, you may recode it again, or you may start a new QnA!
Submit your HS QnA in this topic!
Every participants will get 50 seeds from participating!
The top 3 runner-ups will get an extra 150 seeds!
You may only submit one project
The number of questions doesnt matter in the judging process (you will not get extra points for answering a huge amount of questions), but please try to have at least 10-15 questions
The QnA content will not be judged; the design, animation, originality, etc etc. anything hopscotch-related will be evaluated
83 weeks ago lol sorry i cant accept that, i was gonna do an exception for recent qnas but def not 83 weeks old lol sorry :((
for a recent qna? yes ill make a case-per-case exception (since im a bit late into the qnas trend haha)
i dont wanna do a voice reveal lol even less with the cold i caught recently lol, my voice is all broken hahahah
hs project maybe ill think about it and participate in my own compet /j /lh