Hopscotch Update Ideas

Hello! JonnyGamer here, and this will be the official list of new block ideas for Hopscotch! Feel free to comment below your block idea, and how it’ll help Hopscotch, and I’ll add it in this post. Thanks!

When Blocks (1)

If (___) is Pressed/Not Pressed
How it’ll help: Buttons, The Geometry Dash Rocket Phase, a lot of cool ideas!
Really Advanced Piano Tiles
Being able to toss or fling objects by dragging and releasing them. Like that Arcade Ball game

Mathematical Operators (4)

Plus or Minus Operator
How it’ll help: Quadratic Equations; Roots and Radicals

Nth root Operator
How it’ll help: Then we don’t need to say 2^(1/3) to mean the 3rd root of 2. It’s easier to understand.

The Complete Set of Boolean Operators (Logic Gates)
How it’ll help: Now we can do a bunch of stuff using Binary and can create Calculators and Mini Computers!

and, or, not, xor, if then, if and only if, etc.

Factorial Operator!
How it’ll help: Factorials are great!

Movement (2)

Approach Point Block
How it helps: This Block tells an object to approach a certain point on the screen. Then, you’ll be able to watch it smoothly move towards that point without needing to use pesky trig functions or watch it jaggedly move in the x axis, then y axis, then x…

Turn object towards a point
Now you don’t need to know Trigonometry to be able to do this!

Looks and Sounds (10)

Change Image Block
How it’ll help: Actually can make animations

Create Sound Block (Maybe 3sec limit per block)
How it’ll help: Create personalized music
Cons: THT will need to review your project if you use this

Adjusting the Volume of Sounds
How it’ll help: Now you can create music with Fortissimo and other music stuff. You can make things quite or loud without the user manually changing the volume with the device

Text Concatenation
How it’ll help: Now you can add texts together to make one long paragraph, or one of those cool randomized paragraphs

A Z-Axis
How it’ll help: Now we can use the Send to Front and Send to Back and change it to Set Layer (_)

Note Type
Allows you to set different types of notes for music. Ex) [Play (Quarter) Note (G#)]

Set Pixel
So you can pixelise an object on a grid without having to use those lag king Unicode blocks, nor have to use a clone for each colour.]

Playing Multiple Notes at the Same Time
Hey, then we can create real harmonies without it sounding like 5 notes in ascending order real quickly.

Set Layer Block
How it’ll help: Now you can set the layer of an object without using the pesky “send to back” or “bring to front” bricks.

Now you can add text together! “Hello” + “World” = “Hello World”

Drawing (2)

Choosing Color with a Color Wheel
How it helps: When assigning to a specific color, it’d be cool to see the entire color wheel and being able to choose a specific color instead of searching the web for the right HSB/RGB

Trail Transparency
How it helps: Now you can choose the transparency of a trial, and instead of a trail completely overlapping another trail, it just blends to make a new color.

Variables (3)

Global Variable Assigning
How it helps: Assign all variables a specific number

Using “&” when assigning Variables
How it helps: Set chosen variables to a specific number using one block. Ex) [Set (Var1) & (Var2) to 7]

Input Variable
How it helps: Keeps track of a user’s input. You can find the nth (input) Fibonacci number just by typing a number! The number is then run through the code and then outputted. Neat!

• When (input) = 7
• Repeat (input) times
• Now quizzes don’t have to be multiple choice?
• If (input) = “random text”
• etc.

Control Flow (1)

Delete Clone Block
How it helps: Now you can delete clones so that it frees up space! Ex) [Delete up to (15) Clones]

Entirely New Ideas!

None Yet

Alrighty! Hope this helps!

Other Topics that I’ll add links to:
Hopscotch Update Idea Topic
Hopscotch Ideas List

If you want to add something to this list, please add it as a post below so it doesn’t get accidentally deleted if 2 people are editing at once!


Will add this to above:

new ideas

• Check if (is touching iPad) { /code/ }
Would be extremely helpful. A lot of code simplification. Adding the purple blocks to check if statements would be super helpful.

• New math operator:
!( /code/ )
A not block (not to be confused with factorial)
Now you can make when !(iPad touching) and when !(iPad hears a loud noise)

• The ability to acces a clone of index “n”
So then you could say: set position to text1 clone(5)

• Array storage
Probably the most useful of all would be arrays
With append blocks, and remove blocks, and math operators to extract values from arrays.

• string storage
Another very useful thing that would make a lot of code simplified

• Z layer
• set scene (I saw this extracted from the json!!! So cool!)
• round up/down to “n” digits
• <= and >= check if statements
I think I’ll make a topic for ideas..


Will also add this to above

More New Ideas
  • conditionals with >= and <=
  • fix the behavior of applying And/Or to an existing conditional

Rules append the And/Or to the existing conditional

After tapping And, the original rule conditional remains

But with If Then conditionals

Tapping And erases the existing conditional

  • Add the ability to directly reference the traits of a specific clone

  • Add a Select Case block so we don’t have to deal with a UI that looks like this with nested conditionals

  • Fix the trending algorithm so that it discounts Likes if the user hasn’t played the project (This will give parity to art & coded projects)

  • Want to make an improvement almost every Hopscotchers will appreciate? Fix Bumps so they work right to begin with and don’t create so much lag.


• Wait until ( x = y )
• Custon Rule (x, y) { /code/ }
• Check if (Custon Rule) { /code/ }
• return True/False Booleans for Custom Rules

Formatted all the new ideas

Check if (Touching iPad) { /code/ }
How it’ll help: now, within a rule, you can double check if the iPad is being touched, or whatever else there is. But if you could include them in if statements, then that would be incredible

Else If Statements
How it’ll help: Just an extended if else statement. Then you could have an else after all the checks have taken place

if !(x = y) { /code/ }
How it’ll help: Then you can do things like: when iPad doesn’t hear a loud noise.

When (rule and rule) { /code/ }
How it’ll help: Now you can say stuff like: if touching iPad and also hearing a loud noise

Save multiple items inside of an array. Blocks that would come with the addition of arrays
• Array.length
• nth value of Array (Array.n)
• Arrays in Arrays
• Append value “n” to position “y”
• Delete position “y”

Set Scene
Now you’re objects won’t be clumped in 1 scene! Things that come with it:
• Global Objects
• If Scene = “n” (for global objects)
• Preload Scene “n”

Round Up/Down to “n” digits
Simplify your code

Nth digit of a variable
Simplify extraction code (written as variable.n)

>= and <= statements
Simplify your when and if statements

Wait until (statement)
Now you can have your code wait until a specific action takes place

Parameters for Custom Rules
Custom Rule (x, y) { /code/ }

return True/False Booleans in Custom Rules

check if (customRule) { /code/ }


If Object = image
Now you can check whether an object is a certain image or not (or text)


Sprite Sheet
Now you can add images to a sprite sheet, and can organize/simplify animations

Now an object can animate. Blocks that come with this:
• Start Animation (Sprite Sheet)
• Stop Animation of (object)
• Frame Rate of Animation
• Loops animation? “N” Times or forever? Until?


Pause App
Now you can completely pause an app!

When (Paused App) and (touching object) {Unpause App)
Now you can unpause an app by tapping the pause button again

Pause/Unpause Object
Pauses an objects movement in any way.


This is cool, I might add some of my ideas soon!
Also you might want to add a “music” category outside of the “looks and sounds” one


Save (variable/array) to database
Now you can keep track of a persons total high score on something. Yes.

Number of Plays
Keeps track of # of plays by a person, or all people. (If self.numberOfPlays < “n”) or (If total.numberOfPlays < “n”)

getTime / getCurrentTime
Gets the time at any time zone or current time zone. Also gets current day of the week, month, year, day of the month, hour, minute, second, millisecond

Number of Likes
Access the number of likes on this project

If Person Liked Project
Check if the person has liked the project

Get Remix Value
Get total remix number, or remix by the user

Get Data on When A Project is played
So now you can see if the user playing the project hasn’t played it in “n” timeframe.

Updates to projects
Update a project, so these projects on Game Changers can get even better (Also shows version history)

Get Project Age
How old is this project

Get number of times edit/replay button have been pressed
To see if they are editing the app, or replaying the game

Compare Population Variables
Worldwide high scores and challenges, worldwide chatting, online multiplayer games

Get username
Gets the username of the user


Thank you!
Yes a music category would be great

Import Music
Now you can import music that you’ve created

Play Custom Sound
Play a custom sound you have imported

If (Sound Playing)
Checks if a sound if being played

Mute Sound on (object)
Mutes an object from playing a sound

If Sound Playing = (this sound)
Finds the precise sound(s) that are playing


Award Badge
Now you can award a badge in game to a player and it shows up in their profile. (For featured/game changer projects only) (THT checks these) (THT Can also award these)


Great idea and awesome list!


You have a very amazing, very impressive list of new blocks. I hope THT adds these (at least some of these), it’d make life a lot easier.

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Why do I feel like you got these ideas from Tynker?

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Oh yes “Import Music” is something to consider!

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Nice Ideas!

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Most programming languages use these tools

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More Precise Int Variable
Now you can store integers to many decimal digits without it turning to scientific notation

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they should reles it for android so i can actually use it (with an emulator)

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