Hopscotch Parents

Hi guys!
I wanted to know how much your guys ask about Hopscotch, know about Hopscotch, and etc! Please answer the polls down below! (I will too!)

  • My parents know I have Hopscotch.
  • My parents do not know I have Hopscotch.

0 voters

  • My parents never ask me about Hopscotch and what I do on there
  • My parents rarely ask me about Hopscotch and what I do on there
  • My parents frequently ask me about Hopscotch and what I do on there
  • My parents usually ask me about Hopscotch and what I do on there
  • My parents always ask me about Hopscotch and what I do on there

0 voters

  • My parents support Hopscotch and love that I do it
  • My parents do not support Hopscotch and dislike that I do it
  • My parents have no idea that I have Hopscotch
  • My parents don’t have an opinion on Hopscotch

0 voters

I hope you guys enjoyed filling out these polls! If you did, give this post a like! If it gets a good amount, I will do a Forum Parents topic, with DIFFERENT questions! Comment down below some more thoughts on these questions! Please follow my Hopscotch account Swati_Bang! Thanks for reading!



My parents don’t know about the forum.


my mom doesn’t like all the discushions i get into on the internet. she keeps saying i’m talikong to complet stratngers.

  1. in most cases there not complete strangers
    2)i am a complet stranger to them

My parents don’t know about the forum, and really care about it either.:neutral_face:


@PartTimeFemale -
You may be a complete stranger, however the forum is so safe and is monitored daily, so there are never really creeps on the Hopscotch Forum. But you are right.

1 Like

As you can see, the percentages on these polls are interesting.

Most of your parents know you have Hopscotch

Most of your parents never to rarely ask you about Hopscotch and what you do on there.

And most of your parents don’t have an opinion on Hopscotch.

These are interesting! Give this comment a like if you want me to do a Forum Parents, with DIFFERENT questions!

PS- These polls will ALWAYS remain open, if there are a change in the satistics it would be valuable to know! Thanks!


My dad even has an account… he says it’s okay, but nothing really special.


Huh. My mom and dad don’t really care much. All they know is that it’s for programming, which they think (and I’d love to) should be my future profession. There was this only one time my mom yelled at me for posting a flappy bird project.

…oh gosh, Asian parents and their over concern for safety…


brings to the top of latest

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Happy Birthday @disturbed.llama!

I a g r e e





how are there so many asians on here lol


thanks…but it’s not really my birthday hhhh I just wanted to see if it would really put a cake next to my username after my posts published and weren’t pending anymore. my birthday was in march but happy late birthday to me I guess


My Mum and Dad like that I love to code and like that I do it.

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Bump. This topic is important.


flappy bird punishable by law