Yeah exactly!
CoM made a project with it that’s free to use. You could look in the code,
Okay thanks!
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It depends on which time zone you’re in. In England, that would be their birthday.
Thank you @BB-Box!
Happy birthday @FearlessPhoenix, I hope this is enough!
Sorry…I forgot to give you credit for the pixel method in my Phoenix pixel art
That’s fine. It doesn’t really matter that much as long as someone doesn’t say that they created the style etc
Very nice pixel art btw, even though one line is missing for me
Is it near the top? If it is, I got a little confused about the lines so I made one repeat twice
Happy Birthday @FearlessPhoenix!
Tysm dude, it’s perfect I love it!!!
Thank you!!
It’s a bit slow, otherwise it’s good, maybe use clone times x and destroy blocks?
Will do m8
@Awesome_E #improved
Thx everyone. Also, tyvm for following me fea.
No prob haha.
I’ll get around to the spamlikes in a couple mins
Tysm m8. Happy birthday!
Like I said, np!