Team 2: (helping)
Hopscotch forum username: RosewoodAether
Character name: Ember
Age: 13
What is your object: A flame
Team?: 2 (keep this)
Gender: Female
Brief description of your character: Shy, insane,
Backstory: She was hit by a car so she is insane.
Can I make your character fly: No
Extra: roadkill
Thanks for signing up for fwta!
Your character will be drawn by me (@anon6805002) and will be posted!
Hopscotch forum username: Huney
Character name: The Pod (Pea 1, 2 and 3)
Age: 3
What is your object: three peas in a pod
Team?: 1
Gender: 2 male 1 female (female is Pea 3)
Brief description of your character: one single character that essentially seems to have three different sentient creatures in it.
Pea 1 is very serious and grumpy, Pea 2 is adventurous and loud, and Pea 3 is petite and sassy
Backstory: nothing tragic they are tired of being so small so they like to try and fight
Can I make your character fly: absolutely
Notes: hopefully this counts as one character??? If it doesn’t I can make another
I have a ref ready I just wanna confirm this is alright