Dawscraft’s project- stuff…

Hello! Dawscraft here. This topic was made to address you guys about my coming projects, and project updates.

  • Tag me for all updates!
  • Tag me for half updates!
  • Tag me for few updates!
0 voters

Hey that’s really cool!!
But to save you the trouble, I realized you requested a tag list, so once that’s created, you won’t have to tag us all individually!
Just go to your post in the Request a Tag List topic, and tell the leaders what you want your tag to be.
For example, mine is @/StarBebes, but my group name is Rykas Star Babies
So your group name could be The Potats, but your tag could be something like @/Potats /lh
I hope I’m not super vague with this lol
Have a great day!! :blush:


I’m actually going to tag individually, since maybe some of the members of my tag group don’t want to be involved in updates, but thanks!


Oh alright!
That’s very nice of you! :blush:


Hello everybody, I would like to tell you that I am working on a new game called, “Geometry Dash”.

You’ve heard of it haven’t you

I haven’t really done much with the first level but initiate the progress bar and make the icon, but that’s about it. I will be announcing when I publish or update it in the future, but for now, here are some screenshots:

So- yeah, that’s all for now.


That sounds fun!
Please tag me when it’s released!


Looks super awesome so far!


Geometry Dash but on HS :0 I never played either but it looks fun


Just a small announcement, me and @CodeCrazy are working on a collab. We’ve just started, and we are planning to make a Game-Boy based project.

Tags: @Ezra @StrawberryKarma @William04GamerA @ProjectMewMew @braynee202 @KingGuin87 @KuboYoshiaki @PizzaStudios


The account is called “-Dawcraft+CC COLLAB-“ hope you will like it when it comes out!

Did you mean, “-Dawscraft+CC COLLAB-“?

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Yes, it keeps autocorrecting me (autocorrect is the end of me)

Well you could turn it off-

(Anyways, LGBOT)

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