So it came up recently again about the idea for custom thumbnails in Hopscotch. Honestly in my opinion there are positives but also a lot of negatives.
How would it work?
Pretty much you hit publish and it would bring you to a new screen where you can make your own thumbnail for your project, after you are done the next you hit publish again, and it publishes your project with e custom thumbnail you made! The thumbnail creator should probably be a drawing pad, and you can add shapes and characters!
Other ideas:Maybe you can choose to have a custom thumbnail or not
Problems with this:
Trail Artists won’t be able opt show their Trail art in the thumbnail
Artist ps won’t be able to show their art
Would the remix bar still show?
How could it be implemented?
Adding something like this into Hopscotch could cause big problems with clickbait, because people can make an awesome looking project, but then when you open it it could turn out to be something completely else. And if you made an awesome game, but you couldn’t really make a good thumbnail, maybe people won’t want to play it.
So what are your opinions?
- I agree with us all the way!
- I agree with it for the most part
- I am half and half
- I disagree for the most part
- I disagree with this all the way!
- I have some other opinion(please say what it is)
0 voters
- The custom thumbnail should have a drawing pad
- The custom thumbnail should allow you to add shapes and characters
- There should be an option to not do a custom thumbnail
- The custom thumbnail should have something else too(please say)
0 voters