Sorry I actually would like to give you this link instead
lol you caught me just as I was about to go to bed — thank you all for your submissions and I will hopefully review them soon!
Sleep well!!
Is this coming back?
He’s just super busy right now. It is school season, after all…
Thank you
Hey I could unofficially review your project if you want! Just give me a link and I’ll get into it!
Hi could you review my game toucan’s adventure
Once I have more free time I can!
Thank you
Since sc is over, will you have more time?
No, I think I will no be able to do this unfortunately
That’s really unfortunate, especially since it only lasted like 2 days, but we get it. You’re super busy IRL and with other things…
I know I’ll still leave this open so it can be used by anyone or other curators
Can I review it?
Design: medium
The design is very simplistic with just a black rectangle containing all of the features, I do wish it can be more colorful, but I think the color changer was excellent
General Gameplay: High
It is a great art pad for artists and has all the features they need!!! Excellent
Originality: Very high
Even though the idea of a drawing pad is already done before, the features here are never seen before, changing between hsb to rgb and symmetrical drawing settings, are out of this world!!!
Balance: Medium
The features are a little complicated, but great!!!
Performance: High
Performs great!!!
Overall 92% A
Heres a project im proud of