I have added FIVE new fun facts to spruce up your day, but I am in a dire need of more, if you have facts you want shared in the game, send them to me!!!
Orcas are the only known marine mammal to intentionally beach themselves to hunt. However, only the experienced ones can do this, as it is a very dangerous thing to do
Bees swarm wasps to literally cook them
Tigers have striped skin
Polar bears have black skin
Insects fly by creating mini hurricanes [kinda] through maneuvering their wings in a sideways 8 shape, hummingbirds use a very similar technique, which is why they need so much energy and why they’re the only bird that can fly backwards.
Bees throw out the males in the winter
Octopus have blue blood
Bees can be green blue or red!
Some flies look like bees to prevent being attacked
White cats with blue eyes will pretty much always be deaf, unless they were born with a different coloured patch of fur somewhere that just slowly faded out
Otters have favourite rocks
Corvids have a similar iq level to a 7 year old