these are my ideas for hopscotch to add!
()=those input value blocks
[]=normal block
[]{}-blocks such as repeat or if
(list)=what list to specify.
(item)=an item in a list.
(index)=a number of an item/clone.
[add (item) to list (list)]-it basically just inserts an item into a list. lists should start at 0, since that’s how it usually works in programming.
[add (item) to list (list) at index (index)]-more advanced version of add to list.
(item (index) of list (list))-gets the value of the index you chose.
[remove item from (list) at location (index)]-removes the object at location you specify.
[remove last item from (list)]-removes the last item from the list.
[set (index) in list (list) to (item)]-changes the index specified.
((object) clone index(index))-a block which gets data from a certain number of a clone.
[delete last clone]-deletes last clone made,
[delete all clones]-deletes every clone.
[delete clone index(index) of (object)
control blocks
[run without screen refresh]{}-similar to the custom block option in scratch. basically makes all objects within the block to run instantaneously.
ok, more stuff!
(mean of (list)), (median of (list)), and (mode of (list))-gets the 3 Ms from a list
(amount of items in (list))-gets the amount of items in a list.
What do you mean by ‘lists’
Because I don’t get it…
Though what I would like to see put in is something that enables you to see you projects code… the real text code… so you are able to change to change from block code to the block code… but in text
lists, are basically a huge “list” of items. it stores multiple things, and you can retreive and modify data from that list.
it’s a very useful feature in programming.