Hello, In this topic we discuss our favorite hopscotch updates! And we hope for more good ones like our favorite!
No actually I think this is fine!
@Mythtical do you mean hopscotch app updates or a game on hopscotch?
Oh, ok. I wasn’t 100% sure, but I guess I should’ve asked first…
Hopscotch updates
Honestly the only HS update I can remember since ever being on the app or forum is the seed block being public
I’ve heard some things that are incredibly exciting though! Although it’s such a far reach it could change at any time I’m very intrigued by the future of HS!
I remember when they added that you could turn the objects with your fingers on the stage
That was nice
i remember when they added check if else blocks
that was a little bit ago
My favorite is when THT reworked variables. Instead of there being a tab for each and every object (including Device/Stage variables), we have Object Variables and Game Variables. (As well as Local Variables (most recently) and the Subscription Exclusive User Variables)…
Anyone who joined in 2016 or earlier know what I’m talking about…
this is the correct answer for what th ebest update is
Ah ive seen old projects with that stuff
It looked soooo much harder to handle than nowadays
when i left in 2019 then i came back in 2021 & i was so confused about why dropdown blocks are now also connected on the right side as well as the left
I remember when they added scenes and then let everyone use them. Changed my life lol
the worst part is that there was no separate variables for each clones, instead you had to use traits, which would change per clone
Oh yeah i remember that
I remember this very clearly too!
When I joined Hopscotch back in 2016, we didn’t even have a dedicated Clone Index or Total Clones trait (or a Total Objects trait). Not to mention the clone limit was 512 compared to 4096 now…
https://c.gethopscotch.com/p/xusth9mw5 This project (which was actually my first) proves it.
Obviously, most of the blocks on the keyboard reflect the latest editor version, but the variables still reflect the old version of variables.
Hello, Here is where we discuss our FAVORITE hopscotch Updates!
You already have a topic for this :))
Oops lol sorry
It’s fine, I’m going to merge this one now!